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Board of Fire Commissioners
Regular Monthly Meeting of October 21, 2013
Dodgingtown Fire Department

Commissioners Present:  Burton, Cragin, Goosman, Jossick, Manna and Nezvesky
Absent:  Descheneaux

Marshal’s Present:  Halstead and Frampton

The minutes of 9-23-13 were presented for approval or correction.

MOTION:  Goosman moved that the minutes be accepted as presented.
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed unanimously

Chairman’s Comments:  none

Correspondence to the BOFC:
Date            From/To                         Subject                                                                                               
10-10           Andy DeWolfe/Manna              Eagle Scout Troop #370 – will paint hydrants
Oct. 2013       CIRMA/BOFC                      Insurance questionnaire
10-23           Halstead/Manna                  Capital Items to be purchased sooner

Correspondence from the BOFC:
Oct. 2013       Manna/Aurelia-Halstead          2012 Annual report

Marshal’s Report
  • Halstead reported there were 95 calls, 380 hours worked, and 399 incidents.  
  • Complaint at 35 Dodgingtown Road
  • ISO Outreach Program forms completed
  • Meeting on the SHS rebuild
  • Clark distributed fire prevention materials
  • Frampton – fire drill at the Children’s Adventure Center
Combined Chiefs’ Report
Halstead reported that the items below were discussed at their meeting:
  • Donation procedures
  • Equipment standardization – Halstead will draft a letter for next month’s meeting.  
  • Pagers have been tested and worked well.  All features do not need to be used.  NHL is doing a demo with Swiss phone and will report back on their findings.
  • Pager playback increased by Northeastern at no charge.  
  • The houses at Fairfield hills should be able to be burned in December.  
  • Tanker shuttle drill held off until April.
  • Halstead to look into five year warranty on new pagers.
Committee Reports

  • Burton reported that the CIP will be sent to the Legislative Council for approval.  
  • Budgets are due December 6.  Burton will meet with all chiefs to gather information.
  • Pump and DOTS starting December
  • #114 ladder testing
  • The Dodgingtown truck spec is currently with finance and will be sent out to bid
  • Hydraulic lines on #51 will cost $2100 to repair.  Manna asked Jossick to contact Gowans for another quote, and advise Burton.
  • #36 charger installed.
  • Jossick to look into doing transmissions which are due this year.
Bills from Connecticut Occupational Medicine are to be sent to Goosman.

  • Hose testing has been completed.  An inventory of failed hose will take place.
  • Burton will do his best to order equipment more quickly.  He has time constraints due to the hours required to perform the job of purchasing agent.
Newtown Sandy Hook Community Foundation Report
  • Cragin met with Jennifer Barahona, the Executive Director of the Newtown Sandy Hook Community Foundation on October 16th.  
  • Final members of the committee will be announced in the near future.  If Cragin is selected, he will represent all Newtown Volunteer fire departments.
  • The NSHCF will release additional funds to the community after the Committee (made up of Newtown residents) makes recommendations to the NSHCF Board.  These funds will support community services which assist those affected by the Sandy Hook School shootings of December 14, 2012.
  • Cragin welcomes any comments from chiefs and commissioners.  
  • Cragin will keep everyone up to date.  
Old Business

MOTION:  There being no further nominations presented at this time, Goosman moved that they be closed.  
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed

Annual Dinner
McGuire’s Ale House (please advise Jossick of your attendance)
6 p.m. cocktail hour – 7 p.m.  dinner

New Business

Election of Civilian Fire Commissioner
Manna called for the vote for the Civilian Fire Commissioner, Cragin.  
Motion passed
Absent:  Descheneaux
Cragin elected for another term as Civilian Commissioner

Election for Board of Fire Commissioner Chairman and Vice Chairman (Term 10/13 to 10/16)

Vote called for Chairman, Manna
Motion passed
Absent – Descheneaux
Manna elected as Chairman

Vote called for Vice Chairman Goosman
Motion passed
Absent – Descheneaux
Goosman elected as Vice Chairman

Nominations closed

Training Requests:

MOTION:  Jossick moved to accept Hawleyville’s request in the amount of $1,308.61 for the rental of the Danbury Burn Building*, and fire instruction manuals.  
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passed unanimously
*Burton to check on payment of the burn building fees from the last fiscal year.

MOTION:  Jossick moved to accept Hawleyville’s request in the amount of $350.00 for the rental of the Danbury Burn Building.
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Jossick moved to accept NH&L’s request in the amount of $1,775 extrication training, firefighter II and Bail Out training.
Seconded:  Nezvesky
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  A motion was made to move into Executive Session at 7:43 p.m.
MOTION:  A motion was made to move out of Executive Session at 8:25 p.m.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey